Saturday, November 25, 2017


Diseases are mainly of three types. 1. Hereditary, 2. Environmentally, and 3. Structurally .I possesses all of them.

hereditary disease - Dictionary Definition :

disease or disorder that is inherited genetically. ... Scientists wondered if it might be used to fixhereditary diseases, for example, or to develop new crops. simple answer to this question is, YES, a tendency to develop asthma is inherited. If one of your biologic parents has or had asthma, then you are more likely to develop asthma than if he or she did not have asthma. If both of your parents have asthma, you are even more likely to develop I heard that I was born with a weak lung. In my child hood I suffered from lungs weaknesses.I was cured by some medicines, god gifted,I heard that if I used to smoking the diseases would be recurred.I didn't believe In my young life some questions came to my minds about this sayings and smoke for about 23 years, which I suddenly stopped smoking.on learning that I got some smoker's cough.I didn't know the damage I had done already to my lungs, is irreparable.
My mother had lungs problem, my elder brother died out of Lungs problems.